My Telinga Parabolic Microphone, with Pro 7 handle and Dat stereo mic finally arrived from Sweden.
I had previously tried out this system in Seattle in April at the Annual Nature recording Workshop presented by
Parabolic microphones have been used for years when recording species specific. I have high hopes for this new microphone when combined with the Sound Designs 7XX series of very high quality field recorders.
My first recording was of a Song Sparrow. The background sound is of wind in the tree tops.
(from a previous photo)
long been looking at parabolics and what I see are so many that appear to be too small a diameter to pick up sound under 200hz. Even the teleinga is only 23 or 24 inches. theoretically what is your opinion of the usable audio spectrum that offers usable information before it may be too bassy. What is the lowest frequency range bird song/voice? I am still considering having a dish of larger diameter made. I wonder why the price of the tellinga and dan gibson dishes are so expensive. I have many other questions I would like to ask how ever can you offer some insight on your experience and my questions so far? Thanks regards clint williams
I can speak about the Telinga parabolic. I have been very pleased with it. I don't think by having a larger dish that you would help much on the lower frequencies. But the Telinga is fantastic as it is. Just trying one out for a few hours convinced me that I would well served. The mics are also fantastic. I am not real knowledgeable about the physics involved, all I can really speak about is my recording experience. Stan