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Cemeteries and Squatches, Pt. 2

Sighting reports continue to come in involving possible sasquatch activity in and around cemeteries. It has always been my opinion that there is nothing special about cemeteries other than the fact that squatches can come in close and observe humans and still be able to stay hidden in the dense undergrowth. In Illinois there are thousands of small rural cemeteries located in the woods.

[photo by Stan Courtney]

A remote cemetery in rural Shelby County, Illinois

I wrote previously on this subject last summer. Please see: Cemeteries & Ghosts & Squatches.

Chris Mason recently contacted me and related the many things he and other paranormal investigators have been hearing at a small rural cemetery in Sheby County, Illinois.  So on the 7th of August, 2010 I spent the night listening and recording with Chris and several of his friends in a wonderful wooded setting. I have been unable to find any previous references to sasquatch sightings in this Central Illinois county.

[photo by Larry Wilson]

The following is a short on-site interview with Chris Mason and Larry Wilson, both members of Ghost Magnet. They tell of some of the unusual sounds heard over the last several years at this location. Larry relates that interviews with cemetery caretakers reveal strange events, such as equipment being moved around. The authorities also have problems keeping caretakers, the common complaint being “the feeling of being watched”.

Click here to listen to the interview: Cemeteries and Squatches, Pt. 2

In summary some of the unusual sounds and events have been:


Logs being thrown


Loud whistles




Walnuts being thrown at investigators.

Bluff charges

While walking near the cemetery Chris found what appears to be a large barefoot footprint, 14 inches long and 6 inches wide. I could see all the imprints from the toes. The print, which was in mud alongside the road appeared to be several weeks old.

[photo by Chris Mason]

The “barefoot” print was 14 inches by 6 inches.

In conclusion: A big thank to Chris Mason and Larry Wilson for their hospitality. Although I was not personally able to hear anything unusual the finding of the lone footprint was a great find. I left two remote recorders running in the woods and picked them up a week later. I recorded lots of singing birds.  The only thing unusual was the container that I keep my recorder in had the lid pulled up on it. This was during the daytime.

Click here to listen to the sound clip:  Lid Slammed 1

Waveform View

Spectral View

Media Article – Cook County, Illinois – # 2

Wednesday, December 31, 1890


Chicago Inter Ocean

A Strange Creature Has Been Prowling Around the Desplaines River.
Those Who Have Run Across the Thing Like It to the Traditional Wild Man.
All Efforts to Hunt It to Its Haunts Have So Far Proved in Vain.
Maywood has a mystery, and through it that usually peaceful little suburb bids fair to
become quite notorious.
Something over a week ago a rumor was started in Maywood that a bear or some
animal very much resembling one, had been seen on the Desplaines River bank, just
below the village. Several times this story was repeated, and at last it was
determined to organize a hunting party to search for the animal. In a day or two,
as the party had not materialized, those who intended to go made up their minds
that they had been hoaxed, and so the entire matter was dropped.
Christmas day the Des Plaines River was crowded with skaters. They covered the ice
from Harlem to Turner Park, and were happy as they were numerous. In the crowd
that kept close to the Northwestern railroad bridge, between River Forest and
Maywood, was a party of young people from North Clark street. Charles Gardner, a
clerk on the Board of  Trade, was one of the number, and as he was anxious not to
miss the next train he went ashore below the railroad bridge, removed his skates
and commenced to pick his way a small path which led
This was through a very thick undergrowth, and led directly to a small bridge on
First avenue, spanning a ravine which runs the entire length of the park, running
into the river about two hundred feet from the small bridge.
As Gardner approached the bridge he was startled by hearing what sounded to
him like a moan or a growl. Looking up he saw at the foot of one of the piers of
the bride (sp) something which he first took to be a man. The figure was seated
on a projecting rock and was partially concealed behind the thick weed that
surround the spot. It was peering through the tops of the weeds, and the face,
as the startled man saw it, was that of a monster. It had a low heavy brow, over
which hung hair that was coarse and matted. Its eyebrows were heavy and long,
and the head seemed to be set low down on the chest, so high and massive were
the huge shoulders. The entire face was covered with bushy hair, and as Gardiner
looked in fright and wonder, a huge arm was lifted to grasp the wall as the
creature rose.  That was all the young man wanted to see.  He tore his way up the
steep bank, rushed to the depot nearly half a mile away, and boarded his train
just as it was about to leave.
Then he laughed at himself. He imagined that he had probably seen some
unfortunate  tramp taking a rest under the bridge and had, in the excitement of
the unexpected vision, drawn for himself the vivid picture his mind so well
retained. He said nothing at all about the matter until Sunday, when he was again
at Maywood for a day’s skating. With a few friends he met on the ice he landed
near the spot, picked his way to the bridge, and related what he had seen.  Of
course he was laughed at until some in the party ventured under the bridge
where they saw, lying among the some small rocks, two pieces of ragged
clothing. Other traces were also visible of the place having been recently
visited by something, and Gardner’s story was at once believed.
the mysterious creature had been seen and heard by other people. John
Haberlein, Hans Monns, and Sam Hamburg, three Germans living near Turner
Park, had heard from some boys that some wolves or bears were prowling
up and down the river. Friday they started out with guns and dogs and
carefully scoured both banks of the river from Turner Park almost to Harlem,
but they saw nothing alive, although in the sand on the river bank, near
Harlem, they ran across some strange looking footprints, which led from the ice
to the bank of the river. These tracks resembled somewhat those of a bear, but
the peculiar imprints of the toes at once proved that they were not made by any
Bruin in existence. The hunters followed these footprints until they were lost in
the weeds, and a thorough search of every nook and ravine in the vicinity failed
to bring to light the object which made the marks. The hunters told their story
in Maywood, and the people who had before heard of the mysterious prowling
thing were now thoroughly alarmed, and in many instances parents forbade
children skating on the river, so afraid were they that the animal, or man, or
whatever it was, might do some injury to the little folks.
Late last Saturday night Henry Phillips and R.A. Lewis, two young me who
board in River Forest, went over to Maywood to call on some young ladies.
They were walking home after their visit and when on the West Lake street
wagon bridge, stopped to look at a passenger train that was crossing the
railroad bridge just below. They saw the train pass, and then looked up and
down the river. The moon was shining brightly, and the reflected glitter
from the ice made the picture a pretty one,
leaned over the railing of the bridge and discussed the possibilities of the ice
losing its charm for skaters, one of them happened to look up the river.
Above the bridge about a half mile is a bend in the river. It is where
Mr. E.C. Waller’s beautiful home rests on the bank of the Desplaines River.
The action of the current here in this bend is gradually wearing away the
bank, and Mr. Waller is constructing a huge wall to protect his property.
Dams are erected there, but the work on the wall has ceased for the winter
months. Around these dams on the ice lie boards and barrels and pieces
of stone, mixed up in the confusion in which they were left when the
workmen stopped.   The moonlight, shining on the ice, was broken at these
dams, the shadows of the trees and rocks and boards at the bend giving
a pretty contrast to the glimmer of the rest of river’s frozen surface.
As the two young men watched the ice they saw a movement on the icy
surface at the bend. Without being aware that the other was looking at the
moving object each watched the figure until they broke out at the same
instant with a remark that some fellow must like skating very well to be
out alone at that time of night.
They both laughed, and as they did the figure drew away from the bend
and made its way down the river toward the two watchers. It came very
slowly and appeared to be carrying something. As it approached the
bridge the young men could see very distinctly that it was not a skater.
It took long, regular, but very slow strides, and at each step a clacking
sound could be heard as is some loose shoe sole was coming in contact
with the smooth ice at every step. On the shoulder of the queer looking
figure was a piece of board, and as it slouched along the young men
carefully watched. The moonlight was brilliant, and as the object drew
nearer and nearer the bridge the general outline became more and
more distinct.
The reflection from the ice threw its ray on the features of the strange
looking midnight marauder, and as it came nearer and nearer to the
young men they were almost horror-stricken at its appearance. The
figure was that of a man, big, brawny and muscular, but whether
covered with hair or clothes was hard to discern. It wore no hat, and
its white hands, as one hung by its side and the other grasped the
burden on its shoulder, were in great contrast to the dark face, black
hair and peculiar looking body. The head seemed scarcely higher
than the shoulders, and as the creature moved along, a peculiar
hissing sound came from it, as if it were breathing through its teeth.
as the fearful looking creature drew nearer. When it halted under the
bridge, or a little to one side of it, and directly in full view of  the
watchers, it dropped its burden. It seemed to be fearful of
something, and looked around in every direction. The young men
crouched on the floor of the bridge and peered cautiously over
the edge of rail. The Thing hissed and mumbled as it stood there,
and Lewis became so badly frightened that he almost yelled
outright, and was only stopped by the strong hand-clasp of
his friend.
In a few moments a movement was heard on the ice. The figure
had stooped down and was replacing its load on its shoulder.
After having done this it remained motionless for a few
seconds, and then moved under the bridge. It was lost to the
sight of the two men for an instant, and then it emerged from
the shadow and moved on down the river, the peculiar
clacking sound being kept up. They saw it pass under the
railroad bridge and watched it move on down toward Harlem
until it was lost to view around the bend of the river just
Just as Lewis and Phillips had reached the end of the bridge
on their homeward way, and were discussing the strange sight
they had seen, they were again startled by hearing a loud cry.
They concluded they had seen enough for one night, and agreed
that the sound they had just heard  had been made by some
night bird or animal. They were quite nervous, anyhow, and as
Lewis was especially anxious to go to his home, it was with
difficulty that his friend could persuade him to wait a few
moments to see if anything would appear.
They did not wait long. From under the railroad bridge shot
the same figure they had just lost sight of. It was moving
rapidly, and was without the burden it had carried when last
seen. It rushed to the center of the space between the two
bridges and sat or crouched on a small rock that showed
above the surface of the ice, where it remained for a few
seconds, hissing through its teeth and waving its long arms
around as if to ward off some pursuer or enemy. Only for a few
seconds did the mysterious creature remain in this position.
Then it rose and slowly moved toward the west bank of the
when it reached the edge of the ice, and seemed to be looking
in the direction of the two watchers, who had cautiously moved
nearer the center of the bridge. It seemed to shade its eyes
with a big white hand, and then, after a long pause, turned and
commenced to climb up the bank. This part of the shore was
in shadow, being covered with weeds and trees, and for some
time the creature was lost to the view of the watching and
anxious men, but when it reached the top it was again
easily seen, the figure being silhouetted in bold relief against
the white barn which stands near the top.
Close to the bank of the river at this are two straw stacks owned
by Farmer Nicholson. They had been cut into, and both are
propped up by means of long poles and beams.  Going to the
nearest of these the figure cautiously crawled under one of the
props, arranged some straw for a pillow, and lay down. From
where the two men were watching, just a dark outline of the
figure could be discerned, but it was indistinct and blurred.
The young men at once started for their homes, and the next
morning told their story to Howard Davis, a young book agent,
who lives in River Forest, who it turn recited it to a reporter
for THE INNER OCEAN. Young Gardner was found by the
reporter, and a visit to Maywood disclosed the fact than many
prominent persons had heard of the mysterious figure, but
were inclined not to place much credence in the theory that
there is much of a mystery to the matter. They are inclined
to think that these people have seen a big dog or some other
animal, and have allowed their imagination to get away with
them amid the mysterious surroundings.
Mr. William Rausch, of the Maywood pharmacy, has heard some
talk about the mystery, but is inclined to think that there is
nothing very dreadful about it. He does not know Lewis or
Phillips, nor is acquainted with Davis, who is a reliable young
businessman. Others think that there is some mystery
surrounding this strange creature, and if traces of him are
seen again an effort will be made to capture him.
Is he one of the men who have so strangely disappeared from
Chicago during the past year, or merely some able-bodied
tramp fantastically arrayed is the question asked by those
who have come in contact with him, directly or indirectly.

Infra-sound in the Blues

Disclaimer – many researchers have experienced and discussed what they assume to be infra-sound associated with sasquatch encounters.  I am not knowledgeable enough on the subject of infra-sound nor do I have scientific evidence to prove what I experienced on the evening of the 18th of July, 2010 in the Blue Mountains of southeastern Washington State. With that in mind I will attempt to relate what I experienced.


While on an expedition in the Washington Cascades I mentioned to Kevin Jones that I was going to camp in the Blue Mountains near where Paul Freeman had procured a possible sasquatch video. Vance Orchard wrote two volumes about bigfoot in this area, ” Bigfoot of the Blues” in 1993 and  “Walla Walla Bigfoot” in 2001. Kevin reminded me that the Blues was where he had experienced several infra-sound episodes.  I asked if he would mind sharing with me his campsite location as I would like to camp there.  He showed me on a map the exact location and I entered it into my GPS.

I would guess that I was a little nervous as I drove up to the campsite. Part of the dirt road was so steep that I slipped my Jeep Rubicon into low 4-wheel drive to finish the climp. My ancestors had traveled to Oregon on the Oregon Trail in 1880 and eventually settled in the Blues on the Oregon side. I have often wondered if there were stories of the original pioneers that had been whispered but never written down.

General location of one section of the Blue Mountains that straddles the Washington-Oregon line. On the map one can see the little settlement of Promise that my great-great-grandfather helped found in pioneer days.

At the campsite overlooking the Mill Creek Watershed Area that is “off-limits” to protect the water supply for Walla Walla, Washington.

Several different types of signs that warn the public to stay out! The watershed is the area Paul Freeman had been hired to patrol by the Forest Service when he had his first bigfoot sighting.

The opposite side of the road looking into much denser stands of pines.

(photo taken back home showing the external loud speakers)

I would be spending the night in my Jeep Rubicon specially outfitted with outdoor speakers and an extra stereo and amplifier system. When I arrived around 4 p.m. I was excited that the site afforded both an open expanse into the watershed as well as a heavier wooded area on the opposite of the road. If anything was going to approach during the night it had plenty of cover to do so.

I walked several miles up and down the dusty road looking for prints and hopefully making my presence known to any of the local inhabitants. While walking a side by side ATV came speeding through. The driver, an older gentleman did not look too friendly as he drove by.  About an hour later the ATV was coming back and I positioned myself so that he might stop and talk. He slowed to a stop and I could see that it was probably one of the local ranchers. I asked if the road continued on through (as the topo map suggested). He said no, there was a gate around the corner and I was on private property. He stated that he and his wife had gone about a mile further and checked a pond where they found cougar and black bear tracks.

The wife was more friendly and inquired as to what I was doing. I explained that I was doing audio recording and she asked if it was for wolves as just across the border wolves have been taking livestock in Wallowa County, Oregon.  I answered no I was actually attempting to record sasquatch vocalizations. She laughed nervously and stated that she didn’t believe they existed. I replied that lots of tracks had been found in the Blues. At that the husband looked up and stated that several years ago he had seen an 8 feet tall hairy upright walking animal cross the road kind of slouched over.  He said the next day several dozen cars had come out and were making casts of footprints.

It turns out that I did have a recording of the conversation, however the microphones were a hundred feet away so the quality is poor.

Click here to listen to sound clip:  Blue Mt sighting

I asked him if he had reported it and he said no and that he had no desire to.

It turns out that both the road I was on and the property where I was camping belonged to the Forest Service and I had every right to be there.

The roads had a deep accumulation of dust that made looking for footprints easier.

I continued with my plan. As the sun was not quite down I picked up an electronic megaphone and pointed it towards the deep canyons of the Watershed.  The sound echoed across the vast expanse but I heard nothing.  I did this three times and leaned up against the jeep. Several minutes passed and I started to feel a slight tingling all over. I thought ‘Well if this is what infra-sound feels like they must be quite a distance away.’  I could not see or hear anything unusual, although the rancher’s wife did comment on how my dog kept starring into the woods across the road.

Several minutes later I retreated to the safety (however futile) of the Jeep. I watched as the sun went down and waited until 9:15 p.m. and it was close to dark. Then I used my iPod Touch to play three Tahoe Screams through the outdoor speakers and the extra stereo and amplifier system.  I had my audio recorder running. One microphone was placed about 40 feet from me overlooking the Watershed and another microphone was placed on the top of the jeep to hopefully record anything that approached.  Kevin Jones had told me that this area was very quiet as to vocals so I did not really expect to hear anything.

I lay there several minutes and not hearing anything I quickly fell asleep. It seemed that I had only been asleep about an hour when I felt something that is difficult for me to describe. It started on my left side and quickly spread throughout my body. It did not feel electrical but mechanical. Sort of like laying on a vibrating bed or someone placing a large hand vibrator against my side. But the vibrations were internal, it felt like it was uniform throughout my whole body. It is hard to recall but it seemed to last maybe 30 seconds and stop for about 10 seconds. It would start up again. I think this happened about four times. My only thoughts were ‘well, be careful what you wish for.” I did not feel anxious, or have any fear. After it stopped I slept very soundly and did not wake up until it started to get light around 5:00 a.m. My dog did not have any reactions.

I walked up and down the road looking for tracks but could find none. The road towards the timber was moister, there was no dust and it would have been easy for something to cross the road without leaving an imprint.

Later that day I spoke with Kevin and related to him my experience. Some of the details were not what I expected.  Kevin responded “Stan, I don’t tell people completely what the experience feels like so that when they tell me their experience is, it can be compared to my own.” That way one’s imaginations can not run rampant and come up with something that didn’t really happen.

I have listened to my recordings but need to review them again.

I did find one possible wood-knock at around 12:15 a.m.

Click here to listen to sound clip:  Wood Knocks 2

Waveform View

Spectral View

Conclusion – it is certainly a new experience for me. I don’t have any answers.  And I try not to figure out why, if this is a sasquatch, what is their purpose? Is it to intimidate? Or is it simply to immobilize so that they approach the camp, look around, investigate and not be seen?

You can never get totally away from civilization, I found this church bulletin laying half buried in the road.

Sasquatch Phonetic Alphabet

One of the most important developments in the last couple of years is the research of R.Scott Nelson, retired Navy linguist.

Scott has spoken at several conferences and  has been the guest on at least two bigfoot internet radio shows. These can be listened to here:

Bigfoot Quest


Scott recently sent out documents for other researchers to post.


Fm: R. Scott Nelson

To: Sasquatch Research Community

Re: Sasquatch Phonetic Alphabet (SPA) (attached)

Since I became involved in Sasquatch research a little over two years ago, I have received dozens of e-mails from around the country involving first-hand witness accounts, many containing recorded audio files, of perceived Sasquatch Language. Virtually all of these have included an attempt to spell out Sasquatch “words” using Standard English. This is of little value to the language researcher, since English is notoriously non-phonetic and is subject to widely-varied local dialects.

Since our ultimate goal is the recovery of Sasquatch Language, I have found it necessary to establish a phonetic alphabet and transcription standard (based on the transcription of the Berry/Morehead tapes), by which the contrast and comparison of all future suspected language can be facilitated.

To this end, as an invaluable tool in the future of Sasquatch Language research, I am requesting that the attached standard be published on research web-sites and that it be copied and distributed freely. With this, I am also requesting that local investigators begin using this alphabet as soon as possible to accurately document any perceived Sasquatch Language.

This standard should not be limited to first-hand witness accounts or recordings from North America, but should be used by investigators world-wide, since most languages have many of the same non-phonetic characteristics as English. The work is written in the style of a military SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).

It is my belief that there is nothing more important, at this early stage of Sasquatch Language study, than to standardize the documentation of evidence.

With highest regard for all those engaged in the work of Sasquatch recognition;

R. Scott Nelson

20 June 2010


Sasquatch Phonetic Alphabet . and Transcription Standard

Submitted by R. Scott Nelson

The Sasquatch Phonetic Alphabet (SPA) will alternately be known by the more formal denomination, Unclassified Hominid Phonetic Alphabet (UHPA), until such time as the subject Being is scientifically classified, or documented linguistic contact has been established. “Sasquatch” is used here as a generally accepted term for the subject Being. A variation of the English Reformed Phonetic Alphabet is used, as transcribed from the Berry/Morehead Tapes (BMT).

The existence of the Sasquatch Being is hereby assumed, since any creature must exist before his language. Any argument for the existence of Sasquatch or his language should be given outside of this standard and outside any transcription endeavor that uses this standard. Transcripts should stand alone as tools for the language researcher; whereas SPA transcripts and excerpts should be freely used in other works to support linguistic arguments.

The purpose of this is to standardize all future transcription of suspected Sasquatch Language and to facilitate comparison of language articulations by future researchers; the ultimate goal being the recovery of Sasquatch Language.

Sasquatch Language is spoken approximately twice as fast as any known language in most analyzed recordings, therefore it must be slowed down to be transcribed accurately. 50% of real-time will be the standard; transcription at any other speed will be noted, e.g. (75%). Real-time will be noted as (rt). Tape-time hacks will be given as minute:second.1/100thsecond, e.g. 17:23.54.

Since this is an unknown language, transcribed for the first time, the grammar and syntax of it, likewise, cannot be known. Therefore, to differentiate between small and capital letters is useless and misleading. Sasquatch articulations will be transcribed using capital letters, human voices are to be transcribed by the standards of the language that is spoken (proper English, Russian, etc.). This eases reading of the transcripts when human and Sasquatch voices are mixed or alternating. Since words cannot be known, and only suspected in cognates, Sasquatch utterances will be given as individual morphemes (or syllables). An umlaut (Ä) is used rather than a macron (-) to avoid confusion with the English use of the same symbol.

Small letters within parenthesis will be used, in accordance with military transcription standards, to abbreviate specific notes, e.g. (2-3m) to mean (two or three words or morphemes are missing or inaudible here). Untranscribable vocalizations such as grunts or screams will be noted with capital letters within parenthesis, e.g. (G) or (SC). An abbreviation key follows the phonetics key.

Any document using this alphabet should be labeled (SPA) or (UHPA).

Use in first-hand witness accounts:

This alphabet is not intended to be used solely for the transcription of recorded language, but will be highly useful in first-hand witness accounts of Sasquatch phenomena where the witness perceived spoken language. Researchers, when documenting witness accounts, should endeavor to transcribe each Sasquatch utterance as accurately as possible using this alphabet. As an invaluable aid to the language researcher, several questions should be asked of the witness to correlate with the utterances of the Sasquatch Being:

What was occurring at the moment of each specific utterance?

How many Sasquatch Beings do you believe were present; how many were speaking?

Did you feel that the Sasquatch Beings were speaking to each other or to you (the witness)?

What do you think the Being was trying to communicate?

What do you feel was the emotional state of the Being (for each specific utterance)?

Was there interrogative inflection in the utterance (did it sound like a question)?

Was there imperative or command inflection in the utterance (did it sound like the Being was telling you or another Sasquatch to do or not do something)?


This alphabet is expected to grow as additional verified recordings of Sasquatch Language are collected and analyzed, and new extra-human articulations are documented. For example; the well-documented howls, whoops, growls, screams and whistles of Sasquatch may someday be found to have linguistic meaning; wood- and rock-knocking or tooth-popping may be found to be encoded. It should not be discounted that manipulated tree, limb and stick formations could be graphic expressions of Sasquatch Language, much like runic or pictographic human writing systems.

Since auditory perception is subject to the same limitations of all human perception, review and revision of any transcript by other qualified Crypto-Linguists or voice- transcription experts should be welcomed. With the recovery of Sasquatch Language being the anticipated outcome, cooperation and consensus between language researchers should be the first rule of this study.

The first two pages of Berry Tape I transcription are attached as an example of the prescribed usage of this alphabet.

Phoneme Key

Ä = a in father

A = a in can

B = b in bib

D = d in did

Ë = a in make

E = e in set

F = f in fife

G = g in gag

H = h in ham

Ï = i in machine, ee in meet

I = i in sit

J = y in yes, i in union

K = k in kite, c in cut

L = l in lull

M = m in mom

N = n in nine

Ö = o in lone

O = o in log

P = p in pipe

R = r in roar

Rr = rolled r, as in Spanish or in Scottish Brogue

S = s in sister

T = t in tight

Ü = u in plume, oo in boot

U = u in run, o in union

V = v in verve

W = w in way

Y = oo in book

Z = z in zebra, s in is

′ = glottal stop

c = tongue click, not evident in BMT

> = phoneme drawn out

Compound Phonemes

ÄÏ = i in like, y in my

JÜ = as in you, u in fume

KH = ch in Scottish loch, x in Spanish Quixote, x in Russian (khah)

SJ = sh in shirt

TSJ = ch in church

ZJ = z in azure, s in treasure

DZJ = j in jail, g in age

NG = ng in sing

Δ (Greek Delta) = th in then

Θ (Greek Theta) = th in thin

Abbreviation Key

(rt) = transcribed at real-time

(75%) = transcribed at a speed other than 50%

(h) = human vocalization

(1-2m) = one or two words or syllables are missing or inaudible here

(int) = interrogative inflection

(dr) = Inflected as a direct response

(imp) = imperative inflection

(w) = whispered

(q) = very low audibility, quiet, almost imperceptible at normal speeds

(im) = human imitating a creature

(ma) = possible male Sasquatch Being

(fe) = possible female Sasquatch Being

(ju) = possible juvenile Sasquatch Being

(G) = grunt, growl or grumble, possible language

(W) = whistle or squeak, possible language

(SN) = snarl, possible language

(SC) = scream, possible language

(TP5) = tooth pop, number in sequence, possible language, not evident in BMT

(WK3) = wood knock, number in sequence, possible language

(RK4) = rock knock, number in sequences, possible language


Transcribed by R. Scott Nelson

Time Utterance

0:4.5 (W) (W)

0:8.62 (W) (W) (W)


0:16.70 WAM VO HÜ KHÖ KHU′


0:18.82 NÄR LÄ


0:21.25 Ü KÜ DZJÄ

0:21.76 FRrÄP E KHÜK LE

0:22.65 ÜN Ï KÜ O GÜ AKH (int)

0:23.85 DÖ WÄÏ NÖ (dr)

0:24.52 MÜ Ï FWI KÖ PÏ KHU′ SJ΄

0:31.43 (ma) HU Ö NÖ> KHÄ HÜ





0:36.95 (ma) FI KÜ ÄÏ> KHÜ′


0:45.03 NE VER GÖ ΄ ÖM KHU′

0:47.03 FÖ WÄ Ï>

0:48.08 WA KHU΄ KVÄM





0:55.34 NÖ ÄÏ ÄKHSJ HÜ

0:57.13 (h) Come on, boy.

0:58.04 (h) Come on, let’s eat.



(h) Come on.

1:11.58 KHU BEK

1:12.63 KHËÄ KHU′

1:13.77 Ä LÄF

1:14.46 MÖ VE KHÜ

1:14.86 LAF KHU′

1:15.35 NÖ KHÏÄ


1:17.49 BÜ GÄ TÄÏSJ KHU′

Bilby-Phillips Gamecam Photo, Part 3 – Final Thoughts

Dr. Anthony Ciani

For my take of the UHS subject, it is probably a uniform color, although the
pixels in the scan are about the width any camo pattern would have, which
could blur the pattern across pixels, but not by much.  The transparency
slide I saw appeared to have no patterning at all, and looked uniform.  I
tried searching through some camo patterns in a couple of catalogs, and
there were none which had that overall dark gray color. Almost every pattern
possessed high contrasts, and very few had colors different from greens and
earth tones, usually being blues.  The only "gray" camo patterns were
digital camos, like those used in ACUs, which are light in color. The color
is very much a dark color, likely a gray, possibly a slightly silvery
black, but not the jet black used in clothing.

The raised foot appears to be bare.  There appears to be nothing covering the
face, and the area around the face looks to be a lighter color, but still
grayish and dark.

After studying the slide and high-res scans, it seems that the UHS itself is
a dark color.  The coloration of leaves hanging behind the UHS is visible,
particularly red-orange tints.  The scene lacks much in the way of green and
blue objects.  If the UHS had color, the flash appears to have been sufficient
to show it.

The UHS appears to be carrying another UHS, but this could be a trick due to
a color variation on the UHS object itself.  Still, the right arm appears to
be beneath the second UHS, supporting it.

The sources of the bright spots are still unclear, but may be due to dust
adhering to the film, possibly during processing.  These could also have been
dust particles nearer to the camera when the picture was taken, although they
do seem to be on the UHS.

As for being a human, outside of a costume, the face appears to have
characteristics which are outside normal human traits.  The eyes are visible
and appear large and dark.  The nose also appears to have rather large nostrils.
There is enough clarity to make comparisons of anatomic ratios.  The legs are
too short, comprising about 40% of the total height. A human leg should be 50%,
or a little more.  The arms are too long.  If relaxed at the sides, the tip of
the fist would be midway between the crotch and the knee.  A human fist should
be close to the crotch.  The total length of the arm and fist is approximately
the same as the length of the leg from the hip.  The humerus to femur ratio is
approximately 1.1:1, a human should be 0.7:1.  The femur to tibia ratio is
difficult to determine, but may be 1.2:1, which is consistent across humans and
all of the great apes (although gorillas and orangs tend to have slightly longer
femurs).  If the subject were 5'6" tall, then the shoulders would be 27 inches
across.  The hips also seem wide for a human, but could be on the upper end for
human females.  If this is a human, it is a very deformed one.  The ratios are
consistent with "less evolved" apes.

As for being a hoax.  This does present a possibility, although difficult. To
obtain the ratios measured in the image, the head of the actor would need to be
beneath the head of the costume, between the large "trapezium" muscles.  The
shoulder width is fully outside a human capability, so the arms would be entirely
prosthetic, with the actor's arms inside the torso. The hips would likely have
require padding.  The feet would be simple to do up.  The figure is clearly not
in a stable position, and so must have been walking (or anchored).

It is also possible that this is a mannequin, a construction, which is easier to
build for a still photo than a complicated costume.  I was furnished with a
Picture CD that contained all of the pictures from that film strip.  There were
25 images (typical for a 24 exposure strip), and they seemed to be in order, in
sets of 4, as is typical of 35mm film.  The image with the UHS was at the
beginning of a strip. Unless they were conveniently cut at a boundary, or the
camera deactivated, there were no images of someone setting up a mannequin.
There were images from the camera being setup and removed (it was relocated at
one point), but not every time. Also, at some point, an additional game camera
was added in the view of the first (it can be seen on a tree to the right of the
UHS). No pictures were taken of that camera being setup.  That second camera did
take some pictures, but failed to advance the film properly.  So a mannequin
could have been setup, without any pictures of it, either by the owners
deactivating the camera, or by hoaxers who stayed out of sensor range.

As for being an unclassified ape species.  No problem, if you will allow yourself
to accept that such a thing has remained hidden from scientists, or scientists
have been obtuse to its existence, for such a long time. Although, if you
consider that such a thing only remained hidden from science for about 100 years
mid 1850's until 1967), then it does not seem all that implausible, as there are
species which evaded the hunter's bullet during several hundred years of
exploration, on all continents. That such an animal remained hidden [from science]
for 100 years seems an unimpressive feat.  That science has chosen to ignore it
for over 40 years, is truly disturbing.  I may prefer the idea of a hoax, lest
science be shamed.

Idaho – 48 in ’08

Idaho was my fifteenth stop squatchin’ in all statess and provinces. I was invited to go squatchin’ with John, a local researcher in Northern Idaho.

A possible tree twist/break at about the 6 feet level.

A possible 10 inch print.

On the 19th of June, 2010 we camped in the mountains of Northern Idaho. John shares his experiences since researching in this area since 2002.

Thanks for allowing me to tag along John!

To listen to a complete audio recording of this segment click here:
Idaho – 48 in ’08

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