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Media Article – Sangamon County, Illinois – # 3

Jul 18, 2011

Messing with Sasquatch may not be such a good idea

By Kevin Tremain

Springfield – The State Journal-Register

CHATHAM – There’s something amiss in the backwoods of Chatham, something potentially big. Lately there’s been talk around certain areas of town of an unusual howling and screeching sound as well as evidence of some very large footprints.

Since June there have been at least five to six instances of residents discovering or hearing evidence that the infamous Bigfoot may be lurking somewhere in the Chatham community. One case in particular has garnered some attention from local police, as well as a few proclaimed Big Foot experts.

On Wednesday, June 15, 2011, Michael Patrick’s mother was getting the liner to her pool changed at her residence, when workmen noticed an abnormally large footprint under the apple tree in the back yard and brought the footprint to Patrick’s attention.

The footprint measured approximately 18 inches long and eight inches wide according to the Chatham Police Department report. The immense size of the print isn’t fully appreciated until a hand is placed beside it.

Over the years Patrick and his mother had, at times, heard bizarre noises, but had always passed them off as coming from some common forest animal. But they weren’t the only ones that had heard the sounds either. The night before the footprint was found a neighbor had also commented about unusual sounds.

“My neighbor has a German Shepherd, and it heard something that night that spooked him. The dog went outside to investigate, but came back cowering, now it won’t leave its owner’s side,” Patrick said.

Unsure about what exactly the footprint was, and concerned for his mother’s safety, Patrick called the Chatham Police Department. An officer came to investigate the scene, but was unable to determine what might have caused the print.

“The responding officer stated that there was a large footprint approximately 18 inches long and 8 inches wide, and it appeared there were five claw marks,” Chatham Police Department Deputy Chief, Vernon Foli said.

The footprint measured approximately 18 inches long and eight inches wide according to the Chatham Police Department report.

To give you an idea how big 18 inches is, retired NBA center Shaquille O’Neil’s feet are approximately 15 inches long, and he wears a size 23 shoe. The average human being’s foot measures approximately 9 ½ inches. Most shoe size charts end at a size fifteen shoe. An 18-inch footprint is about the size of a healthy newborn baby. Considering the size of the print, it’s understandable for a person to show a little concern if they found such a print in their yard.

Patrick documented his discovery on Facebook where he struck up a conversation with a friend. Patrick’s friend knew John Winterbauer, a Bigfoot investigator. Winterbauer in turn contacted local Bigfoot expert Stan Courtney.

Courtney has documented sightings and gathered sound recordings and evidence of Bigfoot for years. He has interviewed over two hundred witnesses who have seen Bigfoot.

“I literally know hundreds of people who’ve seen these animals. There have been lots of them in central Illinois. I’ve recorded lots of sounds that other researchers and witnesses believe come from these animals. People in Springfield don’t realize it, but there have been a lot of reports from the Sangamon River around Riverton.” Courtney said in a previous interview.

Courtney said that there have been five to six other reports of finding footprints and howling in the Chatham area since June.

So why is Bigfoot in Chatham? Well it’s hard to say really. Patrick’s property does back up to a wooded stream which flows into Lake Springfield. Courtney proposed that the creature was drawn to the house because of the apple tree that grows in Patrick’s mother’s back yard.

Stan Courtney explained to Patrick that the apple tree might have somehow been interpreted as a gift of food. In the past the Patrick’s had noticed that apples from the tree had been picked, but only to a certain height. They believed that the culprit was a wily raccoon, but the large footprint seemed to suggest otherwise. Courtney told Patrick that a creature such a Bigfoot will usually return the favor, and present a gift of its own as a show of appreciation in the form of a dead animal or a strange arrangement of flowers.

This is the apple tree in the back yard of Michael Patrick’s mother’s house where the Bigfoot footprint was found. The print was found by workmen who were installing a new pool liner for Patrick’s mother.

The day after his meeting with Courtney, Patrick discovered the Sasquatch’s gift, a decapitated rabbit, near his mother’s house. In Courtney’s account he stated that the rabbit had, “its head pulled off, not bitten or cut, but just simply pulled off.”

Since that strange June evening, no more incidents have occurred at Patrick’s mother’s residence. You might think that such a strange series of events would frighten most people in to staying out of the back yard, but the occurrence has not deterred Patrick’s mother from going about her normal routine.

“She’s not scared, she continues to do her yard work, she thinks it’s neat. My mom has never been skeptical of it.” Patrick said.

While his mother may not be skeptical of what happened, others aren’t ready to pin the event on Bigfoot just yet. Vernon Foli posed a possible explanation, albeit an indirect one.

“One thing I can tell you is that approximately ½ mile south of this location is the former Grindstone Valley Zoo that use to have exotic animals. The zoo is no longer in existence but the owner is Brad or Larry Reynolds and he still has some animals at this location,” Foli said.

Could the print have come from an animal from the old zoo? The Reynolds had kept large animals such as buffalo, antelope, elk, deer, tigers, leopards, monkeys, and zebras while the zoo was open. Or could it be a bear footprint? It’s widely believed by many that there are no bears in Illinois, but with their presence in neighboring states, Wisconsin and Missouri, would it be so far fetched to think that there are indeed bears in Illinois?

At this point it’s hard to tell what exactly made the footprint, but with other accounts of strange happenings and unusual howls and screeches in Chatham, many residents are raising an eyebrow.

“I definitely don’t think it was a hoax, and it was more than just a coincidence. I think that people should just be a bit more vigilant and careful, because you never know what you’re going to find out there,” Patrick said.

To check out local sightings and accounts gathered by Bigfoot expert Stan Courtney click here.

To read a previous interview of Stan Courtney by the State Journal – Register’s Dave Bakke, click here.

Guest on 100.5 WYMG – Springfield’s Classic Rock

Bigfoot in Chatham?  Tomorrow morning (07:10 a.m.) , the 21st of July, 2011,  I am going to be a guest on  Lynch & Liz in the Morning at 100.5 WYMG which broadcasts locally from Springfield, Illinois. The complete interview can be listened to here: Bigfoot in Chatham?

The interview is in regards to a series of five possible bigfoot related incidents in the Chatham, Illinois area. The first of these incidents is entitled Footprints in Chatham.

North Park Howl

I recorded these coyotes in the North Park area of Colorado on the 8th of July 2011. The time was 0932 a.m. which seems a little unusual for coyotes to be howling. At first listen it is typical sounding and may all just be coyotes, however at 25 seconds and after the first four howls are two distant howls that sound very similar to the Illinois Howl. Actually a third howl is truncated by the coyotes response. Following the distant initial two or three howls the coyotes again give out four howls somewhat higher in pitch.

The coyotes howling unseen from the trees in the middle of the picture. I was unable to determine the exact direction of the distant howls.

Click here to listen to the complete sequence: North Park Howl 1

Click here to listen to just the 2 (or 3) distant howls: North Park Howl short clip

Click here to listen to the Illinois Howl that resembles these distant howls: Illinois Howl

Waveform of the 4 coyote howls – 3 distant howls – 4 coyote howls.

The non-typical 3 howls started at the 25 second mark. You can see from this waveform how much softer they were (apparently because they were further in the distance).

Footprints in Chatham

This is the first of six possible incidents in the Chatham, Illinois area this month. The other reports will be posted in the coming weeks.

Chatham is a village just south of Springfield, Illinois. Not the first place one would think of as having any bigfoot activity. It is an area of soybean and corn fields with several small creeks that drain into Lake Springfield.

Facebook seems to have become the means of mass communication in the last couple of years and was the means that I became aware of this incident.


15 June 2011

My mom found a Bigfoot footprint in her backyard!

In Chatham

I actually seen one before too … kinda creepy huh ? 🙂

I’ll post a pic

I have a friend who investigates this kind of thing. He’d freak if he saw those pics….

Ok…I will!! His name is John Winterbauer. Texting him now! Wonder if I can show him the pic somehow??

I can text it to you or to him

The neighbors German Shepard has been going crazy too

Is there just one print? Got the pic…thanks…sending it to him…

Yeah just the one. It’s under an apple tree and there are no baby apples above the print but there are elsewhere on the tree.


Can I have him call you? He is asking me for details.


That is a legit footprint!!! Omg!

That’s freaky

The police are on the way to my moms to look at the bigfoot footprint. What else do the Chatham cops have to do?

Lol please tell me this is a joke

No! lol. They’re calling Dept of Natural Resources tomorrow.

So a friend of a friend contacted me thru here and he is a Bigfoot fanatic and investigates sightings around Illinois. He’s coming to see it tomorrow.


So the above was the conversation on Facebook on the evening of the 15 of June. A friend of the witness contacted John Winterbauer, a friend of mine who is also interested in bigfoot research. John in turn contacted me.

The next day my wife and I visited the two witnesses in their suburban Chatham home. Location details have been kept confidential. The home property does back up to a wooded stream which flows into Lake Springfield. The family has raised apples for years, but always wondered what was taking all the apples except those at the very tops of the trees. They assumed the apple picker was a raccoon.

The family was getting the liner to their pool changed, when workmen brought the footprint to their attention. At that time the witnesses were concerned about their safety from what appeared to be an intruder and called the Chatham Police to investigate. An officer came to the family’s home and looked at the footprint. He made no comment to the family about what he thought made the print. The area had lots of rain in the preceeding days making the area underneath the apple tree very muddy. Other than this lone print there were other depressions but none of  them as clear and complete as this one tract.

The right foot imprint showing the length of eighteen inches.

The right foot imprint showing the width of seven inches.

The family over the years has at times heard unusual vocalizations but had always passed them off as being some common forest animal. The night before the footprint was found a neighbor had commented about unusual sounds and his large German Shepherd dog was reluctant to go into the backyard and even was demanding to sleep in his master’s bedroom.

The Jonathan apple tree under which the footprint was found.

During our conversation I mentioned to the family that many times bigfoot leave gifts as a show of appreciation for food left out, whether intentional or accidental as in the case of apples. Later that day I received a phone call from the witness stating that he had found a rabbit in the backyard that appeared to have its head pulled off, not bitten or cut, but just simply pulled off.

The remains of a rabbit and a possible gift.

Everything has returned to normal with the witnesses, nothing new to report in the last couple of weeks.

Battle of the Bulls

There are many sounds that researchers mistake for sasquatch. One of these is a domestic bull bellowing in the distance.  The sounds can be very low and carry for a great distance. It bothers me to sit out on the deck at my home while my neighbor’s bull is carrying on. And that is 1/2 miles away and through the woods. It is not only the bellowing that bothers me but also all the grumblings and other sounds that bulls make to go along with it.

Recently I placed my recorder along the fence row that separates two pastures. The one bull comes up to this fence and paws the ground while he is vocalizing. Although they can see each other, the two bulls are separated by about 200 yards.

These two clips illustrate the bellowing that bulls can make.

The short version of the bull can be listened to here: Bull bellowing clip # 1:

Another short version of the bull can be listened to here: Bull bellowing clip # 2:


This final clip is long, 43 minutes, but has so many sounds in it that I thought I would include it for anyone who wants to listen. This sequence has individual sounds from each of the two bulls, but in several places includes both animals bellowing at the same time.

The long version of the bull can be listened to here: Bull bellowing clip # 3:



A Night Out In Jefferson County, Illinois

On the evening of the 3rd of June 2011, I met up with Moose, a DJ from WLDJ  – 95.7 The Rock and some of his friends and took me to a remote area squatchin’ in Jefferson County in Southern Illinois. My goals for the night were to do some road walking, wood knock and sound blast in an attempt to elicit perhaps a response from one the sasquatch that has been reported to inhabit this part of Illinois.

In attendance were Moose of WLDJ,  Jeff ( an associate of Moose’s) and also owner of GTS Highland, Dave ( also a friend of  Moose’s) and Jeff Ludington, a local bigfoot researcher.

Although there were varying degrees of acceptance of the bigfoot phenomena, from sceptic to want-to-believe sceptic the subject was still approached from a manner of respect and non-ridicule.

The five hours we spent on location were live-streamed to the internet courtesy of Jeff, the owner of GTS Highland.

It was a very quiet night but none the less a great opportunity to introduce interested folks into what saquatchin’ is all about. The distant howls that Moose and Dave heard unfortunately were of too great a distance to be picked up by our recording gear.

For a short clip of part of nights recordings please click here: Jefferson County



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