
Media Article – Du Page County, Illinois – # 1

Sunday, October 06, 1974

Carol Stream’s Bigfoot: Is monster really out there?

By Dave Schneidman
Chicago Tribune

As far as monster go, the Carol Stream apparition ranks far down on the scale. Maybe 7 feet tall and weighing a tad more than 500 pounds, it isn’t very big, and it’s a total dropout when it come to raising havoc thruout the countryside and make brave men.s blood run cold.

But don’t knock it – it’s the only monster the Chicago area has.

First sighted about a month ago by several youths in a Carol Stream cornfield, the monster, described as black with a gray-tipped head and with eyes the size of golfballs (a fiendish red color, those eyes), has been scaring a lot of people but has done remarkably little damage.

It has also brought itself to the attention of the Yeti Research Society headquartered in St. Petersburg, Fla., as organization devoted to the study of such monsters.

Since the creature was first discovered, there have been about a dozen sightings in Carol Stream, and from descriptions and evidence the Yeti Society is convinced there is a genuine Yeti in the vicinity – possibly a family of them.

Just what is a Yeti? Well, that’s what members of the society would like to know. From all indications, a Yeti is sort of a man-like ape which has been popping up now and again, hither and yon, for 500 years.

However, “the Carol Stream Yeti, or Yetis, is, or are, quite a first for the Chicago area,” according to Gordon Prescott, head of the society.

“The closest a Yeti has been to Chicago before this was in the Murphysboro, Ill., sightings.

Several years ago the small downstate community was up in arms over a strange creature which had been thrashing about in the underbrush nearby, destroying trees and scaring local residents.

As a matter of fact, Prescott said, the Murphysboro creature was last seen only a few weeks ago.

Society members are convinced the Yeti exists.

“The Indians called him Bigfoot, and the early European who came to our shores called him Wildman,” Prescott said. “In the Himalayas, the natives have legends of a similar creature which they term Yeti – sometimes referred to as the Abominable Snowman.”

Anyhow, from his experience with Yetis, Prescott has this advice for Carol Stream residents:

– First, don’t panic. Yetis are docile souls, and if you leave them alone they’ll leave you alone.

– Second, the next time one happens to cross your path, report the incident immediately by writing the Yeti Research Society, Post Office Box, 10795, St. Petersburg, Fla., 33737.

– Third, keep in mind that the male Yeti, fully grown, can weigh close to 1,000 pounds and is strong enough to topple an auto. He also has great curiosity, about humans. So, if he stares at you, don’t fight him, just let him stare. He doesn’t mean any harm.

A Yeti, Prescott said, can make three distinctive sounds, none of them pleasant – a sharp, high-pitched bark; a sort of growl ending in a high pitched scream, and a kind of whistle.

The Yeti’s eating habits are omnivorous. According to Prescott they have been known to eat cattle, tree bar, rats, corn, dogs, cats – in fact, just about anything except fellow Yetis and humans.

Aha, you say, if there have been all those sightings thruout history, and they know all those things about them, why has no one yet captured or killed a Yeti.

Well, there was a capture of a Yeti in 1934 In Arcadia, Fla, according to Prescott. A Yeti was destroying cattle, and finally ranchers, fed up with the nuisance, tracked the Yeti – a female – and captured it.

Not knowing what else to do with the thing, the ranchers locked it up in the Arcadia jail, but that plan lasted only a month or so.

Seems that other prisoners and jailers couldn’t tolerate the smell – similar to rotten eggs – or the sound of the thing longer than that, so the ranchers took the Yeti back to where they found it and set it free.

By |2010-01-17T08:51:20-06:00January 17th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Article – Du Page County, Illinois – # 1

Media Article – De Witt County, Illinois – # 1

Friday, July 17, 1970

Farmer City ‘Monster” Sparks Search, Debate

By James Keeran
Bloomington Pantagraph

Farmer City – Believe it or don’t, but a lot of people think there’s something that might be a monster of some sort running about the Salt Creek area south of here.

It all started a week ago when four Farmer City youths set up camp on some land owned by Kenny Johnson.

It was Thursday night, July 9, and they were sitting by the campfire when they heard something move in the tall grass surrounding the area. It spooked them.

One youth said he saw something move between the grass and the tent. Somebody turned the car lights on to get a better look.

It was crouched down by the tent. It looked manlike and was covered with a grayish white fur. Then it ran away. . . on two feet.

Stood Above Grass

Another youth said it stood between two and three feet above the grass. The grass is between three and four feet high in that area.

And it runs fast. The campers, Don Ennis, Larry Faircloth, Bob Hardwick and Gale Baker, left the area posthaste.

Young Ennis, with one foot in a cast because of a broken ankle, even left his crutches behind.

They told their story to Farmer City Policeman Robert Hayslip. He investigated and saw nothing.

But, he did hear something “running through the grass.”

Friday night between 10 – 15 people say they saw a pair of eyes glowing at them in the dark.

Sunday night three more people swear they saw a furry creature again, in the same area.

More Saw Beast

Tuesday night eight to 10 people saw it standing by a dead tree about 100 feet away from the original campsite. When they shined car lights on it, it ran into the tall grass.

Bob Tharp was one who saw it.

“I didn’t think it was as tall as they said it was,” he said. “It looked to be maybe three or four feet high.”

He called it “just a grayish figure.”

Early Tuesday morning, between 2 and 3 o’clock, Officer Hayslip returned to the campsite with a friend.

Nobody knew the two men were going. The area seemed deserted.

“Heard Something Running”

“About 2 or 2:30 I heard something running through the grass,” said Hayslip. “I thought once I might have see a pair of eyes pop up.”

When he left the area about 3 a.m., a tent was still standing.

Somebody else checked the area about 6 a.m. Tuesday and found tent in shreds about 20 feet from where it had been pitched. Steel grommets, set in the heavy canvas tent, had been “ripped out,” said the officer.

A quilt left near the tent also had been ripped to shreds.

Young Tharp and a friend took a tour of the 10-acre area on a motorcycle Tuesday. They found several paths and the grass around several trees had been matted down “like something slept there,” he said.

Questions Persist

End of story? Not quite.

Unanswered questions persist.

Why would a wild animal, against it nature, approach human beings and then run away?

What kind of animal runs in an upright position?

How can it run fast through thick grass three and four feet high?

What is strong enough to tear steel grommets from heavy canvas?

Who or what is it?

Maybe it’s somebody who just gave up smoking, can’t sleep and doesn’t have anything else to do at night.

Nobody, really knows what it is, but it’s beginning to cause a lot of talk around town. And it’s definitely keeping a lot of teenager off the streets at night.

They’re all out looking for the creature.

By |2010-01-16T09:03:20-06:00January 16th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Article – De Witt County, Illinois – # 1

Media Article – Cook County, Illinois – # 1

Saturday, December 10, 1977

Spokesman Review

What Readers Say

Sasquatch is real to some and myth to others

The Spokesman-Review last Sunday invited readers to respond to the following question:

Do you believe in the existence of Sasquatch? Is Bigfoot a reality? On what do you base your opinion?

Following is a representative sampling of letters received:

Seen in Illinois

In response to the question in the paper, I do believe in the existence of Sasquatch. He us a reality. I base my opinion on the fact that I have seen him.

My husband’s and my encounter with him was about 15 years ago in a picnic area in the woods in Tinley Park, Illinois. It was night and quite clear out. We had heard some noise that sounded like an animal moving around in the trees, which we paid little attention to at first. Then the sounds became louder and suddenly there was a loud cracking sound. As we turned around, about 15 feet away was a large tree with a rather large limb broken from it. Standing near the broken limb was a huge dark figure.

The moonlight was quite bright and he stood at least seven feet tall or better. He was shaped like a huge ape, but his eyes were slanted and glowed with a greenish color. We watched for a few minutes not knowing exactly what we were seeing. Then the creature moved slowly towards us and sat down in the manner that an ape does, with arms hanging down. With that we got in the car and left, as we did not know what to expect from this creature.

But we did report the sighting as it was unbelievable. Not too long after our sighting many more people reported it, which brought in many scientists to look for Bigfoot. There have been too many sightings across the nation to say that Bigfoot does not exist. Many a fisherman and hunter have seen him but say nothing because of people calling them crazy. There will be more and more sightings as long as man pushes deeper and deeper into the forests and starts to crowd the creature out.

Whether we will ever capture him is another story, as he seems to have the instinct of an animal and can think to some degree like a man. He is capable of fast moving and is able to disappear quickly. He has been here for some time, and whether he is from this planet or another is what has to be discovered, since he has been seen right after UFO sightings.

I keep a scrapbook going on all sighting of the creature as there is no doubt in my mind that he is a reality. These sightings in Illinois can be validated in Joliet, Illinois, at the police station.



Bigfoot is clever

Your request for opinoins should draw a lot of commentary as many people have seen Bigfeet; though not I. Yet, I do believe they exist because I have read of scientists comparing tracks in remote areas of the mountains where no humans appeared to have been.

But the real clincher, I believe, is the historical account of creation in Josepheus. Josepheus recounts God’s creation of Adam and Eve, and how Lucifer, chief angel in heaven, was cast down to earth because of pride and efforts to dethrone God Almighty. Then Lucifer, now Satan, being quite adept and powerful, as God did not wholly destroy his powers, created a being in hopes of taking over man that God created. However, God, knowing all and controlling all, confounded Satan’s creation and it came out a hairy being (animal) with no understanding. This creature fled to the mountains, where Bigfoot is still found all over the world, though of late some Bigfeet are sometimes seen at lower altitudes. Perhaps they migrate as do rock chucks in spring and also other animals. This practice stops inbreeding and makes for a stronger strain. No doubt many have read this account in Josepheus, who is regarded as one of the best early historians, especially of biblical events.

Hope this answers your question. Bigfoot is a separate creation and an animal, not human. He is clever, at hiding and is normally nocturnal as are most animals (deer family, fox, wolf, cats, hippos).

Ralph H. King


Too few sightings

I do not believe in the existence of any such thing, mammal or other creature, such as the Sasquatch.

I base my opinion on the theory that none could exist without many more that a half-cozen or so people seeing one or the signs left by one. Why has not one ever captured one or found a skeleton of one?

I do neither believe that anyone should kill or attempt to kill one, just in case it should be a human being who has reverted to exile or who is otherwise shunning the company of humans.

If there were such a creature, there would be more evidence of its everyday living and foraging for the amount of food required to sustain such an enormous creature.

Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Pickens


Two sightings

Yes, there is a Bigfoot or Sasquatch or whatever you choose to call it.

I saw a very large one at Lead Point in October, 1949. I tried to follow this animal with bear dogs, but they would not trail it.

I saw another at Hunters in October 1969. This one a less than 100 feet.

I have worked with Rodger Patterson, Roy Fardell, Rene De Hinden and many of the men doing research on Bigfoot. We have uncovered a lot of hoaxes. It seems to me the people doing this think they can get some easy money.

Ben F. Thompson

Hunters, Wash.

A myth

Bigfoot is a myth. It (he”) has no physical existence. People who need to believe that the unknown and alien are still part of our world believe in Bigfoot.

When I was in college I made tiny candle-powered hot-air balloons and launched them at night. I was delighted when they were reported as flying saucers. In my opinion, Bigfoot sightings are a combination of kids in monkey suits, the desire to believe and a lot of alcohol.

Robert Rubenstein

Addy, Wash.

Similar to Unicorn

Bigfoot is a pleasant myth on a par with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. As long as taxpayer’s monies are not spent researching this myth, no great harm is done if some people believe in its existence.

As a scientist, I know that a species much maintain a certain minimum number to exist. When the numbers drops below that minimum, any disaster, such as a natural epidemic, or reduction in the food supply will wipe out a species.

This minimum number depends on several factors including the reporductive capacity of the species (I assume there are two sexes in the Bigfoot species), the mortality rate and the average life span.

For a Bigfoot species to maintain itself with the necessary matings and care of the young would require at least hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals.

With the constant reduction of forested home ranges of Bigfoot by timbercutting operations, and establishment of roads and homes, it does not seem reasonable that hundreds of Bigfoot individuals could have survived for generations in the Northwest without at least one individual being captured or shot and brought in for examination.

When a specimen is obtained, then a decision can be made as to whether it belongs to a separate species. Until then Bigfoot should be considered a delightful myth similar to the existence of Unicorns not to be taken seriously.

Walter A. Becker

Pullman, Wash.

Bigfoot smelly

I think Bigfoot is real because of the footprints. There is a certain bone in the footprint that no one else can copy.

It’s easy to make Bigfoot footprints, isn’t it? But a scientist can identify a fake footprint from a real one, just by looking at this bone.

And another way is the smell. People have smelled this smell before seeing the animal.

Shaum P. Ghagat

Pullman, Wash.


Bigfoot is most certainly a reality, as are the Abominable Snowman, Sasquatch, and other such creatures reported to exist in other parts of our world. They are not, however, remnants of a life form indigenous to earth as commonly believed. These creatures have been transported to earth by a life form far superior to our own from the outer reaches of our own galaxy. Or, they may be of extragalactic origin from elsewhere in the univers.

This life form must have learned how to effectively use the force of gravity, which controls all matter in space, to their own advantage. They must have learned how to disengage themselves from their own field of gravity, engage overlapping fields of gravity from other sources and, much as we travel a network of highways, transport themselves to any ultimate destination. The force of gravity is constant and universal.

By harnessing these forces they are able to transport themselves and their vehicles vast distances at speeds far beyond the speed of light, thus eliminating the time element involved in galactic or interstellar space travel. Or, they may have solved the mysteries of the black holes and white holes in space which also involve gravity, and thus perfected instaneous travel through time and space.

Some such mode of travel would be necessary when one considers it would take about 100,000 years to traverse our own galaxy from end to end if traveling at the speed of light.

This also accounts for the world-wide sightings of UFOs.

These creatures come from a planet similar to earth but one with a colder climate, which accounts for the Abominable Snowman seen in the Himalayan Mountains and for the long hair on the bodies of the creatures some people have also seen elsewhere here on earth. They are experiencing a population problem and a shortage of food which is the reason they are here.

The creatures we see are not of the higher life form that is directing this exploration. They are a lower form of domesticated animal similar to mankind that are release here on earth as a work force. These creatures are trained to gather seeds from our plant life and ovum and spermatozoa from our animal life for transfer back to their own planet for development and adaptation to their own climate. Their need for animal life accounts for our finding the carcasses of mutilated cattle here on earth.

If these creatures were of our planet, we would certainly have found some evidence of deceased creatures such as teeth, bones or hair. We have not done so because the Bigfoot creatures are also transported back to their home planet, thus leaving no hard evidence of their having been here.

If the foregoing is not true, we must be the victims of a grim fairytale that fascinates everyone.

Marv Lindberg

Pullman, Washington

Studies needed

After a number of years of backpacking and climbing in the Pacific Northwest, I know that there is enough spce to effectively “hide” at least one of the creatures called “Bigfoot;” however after a two-year stay in southern Illinois, I know there is a certain amount of evidence that the Pacific Northwest can’t lay claim to having the only Bigfoot.

In Missouri, about 15 miles west of St.Louis sightings of a being very similar to the description of Bigfoot have been told, going as far back as the time before the area was opened by settlerss. The Indians in the area have tales of “tall, hairy and ugly men” being left by silver things that flew through the air and landed on the ground.

I have talked to several persons who have claimed to have seen teh “MOMO” (Missouri Monster, as the thing is called back there), and the conviction of these people is really strong that they have seena being that has no connection with humans as we know them, and might be an outcast from another planet! A creature with a very prolonged life-span could certainly cause the same sightings over a period of centuries.

I feel that much more well organized, well funded studies of this phenomenon should be carried out, to dispell [sp] whatever doubts about Bigfoot exist, and replace them with facts.

Chris Kounkel


No mamas

Believe in the existence of Sasquatch the Bigfoot! Of course not.

He is supposed to be an atavistic remnant from a past age, but questions arise that have not yet been answered by those who claim to have seen and even photographed the hairy old boy.

First of all, he is indeed always described as a male, but in order to procreate his species there must somewhere be a mama Sasquatch, or better yet a plurality of potential mamas and some little Sasquatches of both sexes and varying ages, preferably from different families. No one so far has reported seeing any of these necessary adjuncts to species perpetuation.

Failing this essential, one can only resort to the miraculous and the supernatural for an explanation of his existence or his speculative origin and age. Personally, I am highly skeptical of supernaturalism and for that reason alone, I must class Bigfoot with the Loch Ness monster and other fancifuls [sp] dear to the imagination and the genuine concern of so many.

Willis B. Merriam

Pullman, Wash.

Heavily influenced

In my opinion about Bigfoot, I think it is real because of research I have done and occurences that have happened in the past year. And sightings and photos, by friends, of Bigfoot in this area also have heavily influenced my belief in its existence.

Chris Malloy


Fellow creatures

We believe in the existence of the Sasquatch. Bigfoot is a reality.

The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy c/o Richard Loucks

Pullman, Wash.

By |2010-01-15T15:28:17-06:00January 15th, 2010|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Media Article – Coles County, Illinois – # 1

Tuesday, August 09, 1887

Wild Man Captured

Marion (Ohio) Daily Star
Oakland, Ill

A veritable wild man was captured by the citizens of Sargent township yesterday. He had hair that measures over five feet in length and from appearances it had not been combed for years. His beard was fully two feet in length and covered all of his face. His language is unintelligible, and no trace of where he came from can be discovered. It took the combined strength of a dozen men to hold him in order to bind his hands and feat. The citizens are in a quandary what to do with their catch.

By |2010-01-14T08:41:04-06:00January 14th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Article – Coles County, Illinois – # 1

Media Article – Champaign County, Illinois – # 1

Wednesday, October 17, 1973

… or a hairy gorilla-type near St.Joe

Champaign-Urbana Courier

Four St. Joseph youths today are wondering if seeing is really believing.

The four said they spotted a hairy, gorilla-like creature between 9 and 9:30 p.m. Tuesday just off the township road which leads to Sidney. The unidentified creature was sighted when the youths got out of a car south of St. Joseph to investigate what they thought was a campfire near the bridge on the Salt Fork.

Bill Duncan, 17, a St. Joseph – Ogden High School student, said the boys saw the 5 feet tall creature from a distance of about 15 feet when one of them lit a match.

Duncan said he and his companions, Bob Summers, 18; Daryl Mowry, 17; and Craig Flenniken, 17 did not discuss the creature until much later after they fled the scene. “None of us believe in that outer space, stuff” Duncan said today, and “I wondered if I was nuts or something.”

“I thought it was a bear at first,” he said, but “I couldn’t really say.”

By |2010-01-13T06:34:07-06:00January 13th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Article – Champaign County, Illinois – # 1

Media Article – Brown County, Illinois – # 1

Thursday, February 02, 1922

Wildman Lives Alone In Cave

New Oxford Item (Pennsylvania)

Makes Night Raids On Neighboring Farms and Carries Away Animals.


Won Hand-to-Hand Encounter With Man Who Battled Him in His Cave in Effort to Win Reward

Mt. Sterling, Ill. – A wild man, living in a cave near here, is thwarting all efforts of police and armed citizens to capture him and is keeping the countryside in terror with his raids on outlying farms. A price has been set on his head, but desperate attempts to capture him in his lair have proved vain.

The wild man recently made a series of bold robberies near. Mt. Pleasant, carrying off calves and sheep to a deserted mine where he stays hidden in the daytime. Ambrose Smith, a dead shot and tireless hunter, was seriously wounded in a terrific hand-to-hand encounter with the mysterious man-monster.

Is Huge Creature With Bony Hands.

“The wild man has long, wiry hair that bristles about his savage-looking face.” Smith said in his home, where he is recovering from the adventure. “In the uncertain light of the cavern I made him out to be a great towering creature. His hands are thin and the flesh is stretched over the bones like leather.”

People feared black damp in the long empty galleries of the mine so much that even a reward of $500 for the wild man, dead or alive, failed to result in his apprehension. At last Smith, accompanied by J. M. Blair and others from Mt. Pleasant, all quick with a gun, went to the cave. It was late in the afternoon. Smith had the others stand back 200 yards from the mouth of the cave and entered alone, armed only with his large hunting knife. His dog followed him.

Fought for Hour in Damp Cave.

Night fell and the watchers waited in vain for Smith’s return. Then there was a great noise and the dog ran out whimpering. The men went into the cavern in search of Smith. They groped along through the twisting passageways in the darkness, but were unable to find any trace of him. At midnight Smith crawled from the cave on his hands and knees and fell faint and exhausted at the feet of his friends.

“I did not get more than 50 feet into the cave boys.” he said, as they carried him to the doctors, “when I saw the wild man glaring at me a few feet away. Then he sprang at me and held me in his steel-like grip. I tried to knife him but he held my wrist. For more than an hour we fought together on the wet floor of the cave.”

“I weakened and he slipped from my grip. I felt his hot breath on my face and then a heavy blow on my head knocked me unconscious. I don’t know what happened after that. When I get well I’ll make another attempt, and next time I’ll get him.”

By |2010-01-12T09:27:51-06:00January 12th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Article – Brown County, Illinois – # 1

Media Article – Alexander County, Illinois – # 2

Wednesday, July 26, 1972

Huge, White, Hairy “Monster” Reported Sighted In Cairo

Cairo Evening Citizen

Has the Abominable Snowman lost his love for the isolated mountains in which he so often has been reported? Has he developed a craving for hot, humid climates, and perhaps even a suntan?

There have been several reports of a huge, orange-eyed monster roaming the hills near the small town of Louisiana, Mo., near the Mississippi River.

Tuesday evening a huge monster was reported sighted in Cairo.

LeRoy Summers, whose address was listed as 411 27th St., told Cairo police Tuesday night that he had sighted a 10-foot-tall, white hairy monster standing by a small brick building on the Ohio levee between 28th and 17th Streets.

Summers said he was jogging on the levee about 7:30 p.m. when he glanced up to see this two-legged apparition standing by the building.

He didn’t stay around long enough to observe the monster’s facial features, but he did note that it had a large head.

Summers said the monster’s body was solid white with a bit of red around the middle. He told police he quickly turned and jogged – possibly a bit faster than he had been jogging – along the route he had just taken.

He did not see if the monster moved.

When patrolmen returned to the scene, they could find no trace of any such creature. The police radio dispatcher reported that just as the patrolmen were returning to the station, another report of a sighting was called into the station.

Near Louisiana, Mo., recently, there have been reports of strange growls at night, which could not have come from farm animals; strange footprints; and a rank smell in the air.

Monday, two families in the area told the sheriff’s office they saw a circle of flashing lights in the area Monday night.

The head of a private group called the International Unidentified Flying Objects Bureau camped out in the Louisiana area last weekend but said he neither heard, smelled nor saw the alleged monster.

He did say, however, he believed there was something in the hills around the Louisiana area and wouldn’t rule out the possibility that it came from outer space.

By |2010-01-11T08:47:45-06:00January 11th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Article – Alexander County, Illinois – # 2

Media Article – Alexander County, Illinois – # 1

Thursday, July 27, 1972

Local Monster Might Need Good Attorney

Cairo Evening Citizen

If the monster supposedly spotted in Missouri and Illinois. ever comes out of hiding, he’d better bring a good lawyer-the IRS wants to chat.

And when the Internal Revenue Service is through, the Selective Service Administration and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization are waiting.

For the past several days persons near Louisiana, Mo., have reported seeing something hairy, smelly and more than seven feet tall.

Tuesday, Randy Emert, 18, of Peoria said he’d seen it, and Wednesday a jogger in Cairo, reported a sighting.

Some contend the creature comes from outer space.

Maybe, but it would still have to pay taxes says Thomas Hayes of Chicago IRS office.

“Technically…if it earned income while resident in the United States,” it would have to file a tax return, said Hayes. Failure to file would mean a fine or imprisonment, he said. If Whatever-It-Is is between 18 and 35 years old, Uncle Sam wants it, as spokesman for the Chicago Selective Service office said.

Hairy and smelly it may be, but if it’s a resident alien-alien from where doesn’t matter-it must register for the draft, the spokesman said.

Alien from where is what troubles the Bureau of Naturalization and Immigration, says a spokesman for the director’s office. Every January 1, every alien must file both his old address and his present one-if he doesn’t, he’s subject to $100 fine and deportation, the spokesman said.

However, it’s “entitled to due process and the full protection of the Constitution,” the office said.

Deportation, if it came to that, might pose a problem with an interstellar alien.

“We’d have to get together with NASA,” the spokesman mused. “Our budget is only $143 million and I’m not sure we could afford the fare.”

On the local government level, Cairo Police Commissioner James Dale has announced his policy toward the alien. He said Wednesday he’s going to make anyone seeing it submit to a breathalizer test for alcohol content.

By |2010-01-10T10:39:40-06:00January 10th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Media Article – Alexander County, Illinois – # 1

Footprints in the Snow

When I first became involved in sasquatch research my wife’s relatives, although polite, still wondered what I was getting involved in. My nephew’s statement was typical, “I have hunted and fished this area for over forty years, and in all that time I have never seen or heard anything unusual and I don’t know anyone else that has had an unexplained experience.”

My question to him was if he wanted to see a footprint, if I found one? He said sure.

On the 23rd of January, 2005, on Super Bowl Sunday, I called him at 9 in the morning and asked if he would like to see what I had found. He said sure!  I called my wife, another nephew and her brother as well.  They all converged on the site to look at the impression in the snow.

We had had several weeks of very cold weather. It appeared that an animal had stepped into some water that was very slushy and very close to being frozen. The impression left in the ice of the 5 toes was very easy to feel with your fingers. It was very neat to be able to actually feel the impression.

This 14 inch x 5 inch track was the best one we could find. There were several less defined possible tracks also along the creek and trail.

My nephew after feeling and looking at the footprint stood up and asked “What color is it?” My response was “You can’t tell color by a footprint, although I have a friend that has seen an animal here twice in the daytime and it was black.”

By |2010-01-04T13:34:28-06:00January 4th, 2010|Audio Recording, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Footprints in the Snow

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