
Media Article – Jackson County, Illinois – # 31

December 2010

In Search Of Bigfoot

by Bonnie Marx

Southern Alumni

Mysteries of nature – loch monsters, chupacabras, and Bigfoot – have long populated Loren Coleman’s world. He is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who most popularized cryptozoology, which is basically the biological study of “hidden animals.” But don’t expect this author of more than 6,000 columns and articles to blindly defend the creatures and critters that occasionally pop up in the news as “monsters.” Instead, he calls himself an “open-minded skeptic.”

The reasons people choose to attend Southern are myriad, but the incentive for Loren Coleman ’76 is likely unique. Now one of the world’s preeminent cryptozoologists, he says “I picked SIU because of reports and folklore of black panthers and hairy apes in the southern swamps of the area.”

Mysteries of nature – loch monsters, chupracabras, Bigfoot, and such – have populated Coleman’s world since his age was barely in the double digits. Within a year or two he was doing fieldwork and investigations on his own, traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of crtyptozoological mysteries.

Now, nearly five decades later, Coleman is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Most days he can be found at his International Ctryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine, which has served as the setting for several documentary television programs’ interviews of Coleman regardins his books and continuing research.

For those unfamiliar with the term cryptozoology, it comes from the Greek “kryptos,” meaning “hidden” and zoology, the biological study of animals, giving it the literal mean “study of hidden animals.”

But don’t expect Coleman, who has written more than 6,000 columns and articles as well as more than 30 books on the subject, to blindly defent the creatures and critters that occasionally pop up in the news as “monsters”. Instead, he calls himself an “open-minded skeptic.”

It’s not just about the so-called monsters, like Bigfoot or Mothman. “There are new animals being discovered every day, like the snub-nosed monkey of Asia,” he says. An editor of the Skeptical Inquirer said that “among monster hunters, Loren’s one of the more reputable, but I’m not convinced that what cryptozoologists seek is actually out there.”

But Coleman is and his credibility makes him “the go-to guy for a lot of media trying not to be sensationalistic,” he says. Two days before his interview with Southern Alumni, National Geographic came to call. The Christian Science Monitor has visited three times since last spring. “They see that cyptozoology is a lot more grounded than ever.”

At Southern, “I majored in anthropology, minored in zoology, and did some summer field work in archaeology”, Coleman says. he also found it compelling that in his first year at Southern he was assigned to Allen Hall, name for John W.Allen, noted historian and folklorist who for several years was director of the University Museum. “I tuned in on that fact right away.”

(Coleman’s official graduation year from Southern, 1976, is a bit misleading. In 1969, he was a senior, two courses away from graduation, when the University closed because of student unrest. His degree was granted in 1976 after he petitioned to get credit for one of the books he’d written. His first book came out in 1969.)

Despite his passion for the subject, Coleman knew that cryptozoology wasn’t going to pay the bills. His career focused on social service, social work, and even public policy. His first job in the mental health field, he says, was working at the outdoor laboratories at Southern.

Coleman spent 17 years working in residential treatment centers before earning a degree in psychiatric social work at Simmons College in Boston, and also has done doctoral coursework in social anthropology and sociology. For another 20 years, he was a professor and researcher at universities in New England. He continues work as a consultant for the Maine Youth Suicide Program and has been called on for statements in the aftermath of school shootings and how best to respond to the problem.

Coleman says he “always cared about the kids (his social work) but teaching was very much a way to fund my other interests . . . . I needed to get out of research and get to cryptozoology. I also wanted to see my boys grow up and writing and consulting more could make the life I wanted to make.”

The SIU graduate’s own fascination with unclassified zoological enigmas came in the early 1960s when he first heard accounts of the Himalayan Yeti. But he quickly became disillusioned by modern science’s dismissal of the creatures and went to work establishing relationships with some of the most esteemed crypto-investigators.

During his earliest field investigations, Coleman was one of the few serious researchers to actually bear witness to the “Minnesota Iceman” carcass and he was one of the first investigators on the scene following the notorious “Dover Demon” encounters of 1977.

Although he was living back in his hometown of Decatur, Ill., in the early 1970s, he returned to the area when reports of the Big Muddy Monster started coming in. “The Big Muddy Monster was a big deal,” he remembers. “In the Decatur area and all the way down to Carbondale, people were reporting seeing a Bigfoot. There was the Farmer City Monster, who some said had a head the size of a steering wheel, and many different little incidents. I had the sense Illinois would explode with some big story.”

In 2003, Coleman opened his International Cryptozoology Museum in four rooms of his house, opening it only serious researchers. In 2009, the museum went public, moving into a storefront at the rear of a book store in Portland, Maine. In addition to the 8-foot-tall Bigfoot likeness, the museum holds about 2, 000 other items. He also writes for the blog Cryptomundo (

Mysteries of nature populate Loren Coleman’s world but you won’t hear him use the work “believe.”

“Belief is the providence of religion,” says Coleman. “I distrust “belivers,” who are just as dangerous as the blind debunkers.”

This is one of more than 30 books Coleman has written on the subject. He’s also penned more than 6,000 columns and articles.

By |2011-01-31T15:06:58-06:00January 31st, 2011|Media|Comments Off on Media Article – Jackson County, Illinois – # 31

Media Article – Saline County, Illinois – # 2

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Web site tells of five southeastern Illinois bigfoot encounters

Harrisburg, The Daily Register

By Brian DeNeal

The Big Foot Research Organization has received over the past five years at least five reports of close encounters with bigfoot-type creatures in Southeastern Illinois.

Do the reports convince me there is a bigfoot in our area? No. But then I’m more skeptical than most people. I thought I saw a whole heard of bigfeet once, but they were magical, because before my eyes they transformed into whitetail deer. That said, I don’t think these people are nuts and if I was standing there with them when they saw what they have said they saw I may be singing the praises of bigfoot to anyone patient enough to listen.

Whatever your beliefs on bigfoot, the tales on the Web site of — which searches bigfoot encounters nationally by state and county — make for some good reading.

A father and daughter say they saw a bigfoot near what I believe to be Garden of the Gods Wilderness and believe it ran its fingers through the dust on their Ford Explorer. A boy out deer hunting in Mitchellsville says he spotted the beast lumbering through the woods. A couple camping at Williams Hill Pass heard an unearthly scream in the woods. A group near Iron Furnace say a creature hurled big rocks at them, putting their $10,000 telescope in peril. A Rosiclare family say they heard screams in the woods near their house. A man looking for cougars Bell Smith Springs says he heard bigfoot knocking logs together.

This link takes you to the three Saline County stories. To see the others go to Pope and Hardin county on the Web site’s map.

BFRO Reports: Saline County, Illinois

By |2011-01-09T10:29:24-06:00January 9th, 2011|Media|Comments Off on Media Article – Saline County, Illinois – # 2

Notable Quotes

The following Notable Quotes are all pertaining to the state of Illinois.


Chris McCloud – Spokesman for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources

“The IDNR deals with animals native to Illinois, and Bigfoot is not one of them, he said.”


Dr. Christopher Bader, Assistant Sociology Professor, Baylor University in Texas

“For whatever reason, there’s an inherent appeal to the myth of the Wild Man or Bigfoot,” he said. “Somehow, that’s ingrained in us. … Bigfoot is `everywhere.’ So I’m not at all surprised he’s in Seneca.”


Dr. Angelo Capparella - Biology Professor, Illinois State University, Bloomington, Illinois

“He said that if there is a Bigfoot – a big if in his book – Central Illinois is not the place to find one.”


David Bloomberg – Chairman of the Rational Examination Association of Lincoln Land

“Every claim of Bigfoot has serious problems.”


Gus Gordon – WICS ABC NewsChannel 20 – Chief Meteorologist

“Well, if he comes to the door, and your mother asks him what he wants, and he says “About Three Fiddy,” then it’s not Bigfoot….it’s probably the Loch Ness Monster.”


Linda Jo Martin

I looked on Google Maps for all these places. I saw how skimpy the wooded areas of the state are. I can only feel sorry for the poor Bigfoot who is trying to maintain cover when there are so many people all around.


Talbott Denmead – Chief of Permits and Importations of Fish and Wildlife

“Varmints and sea sarpints” still roam, but chiefly in lively imaginations.”

By |2010-12-25T09:14:39-06:00December 25th, 2010|Media, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Media Article – Saline County, Illinois – # 1

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Shadows of the Shawnee investigates Tuttle Bottoms Monster

Harrisburg, The Daily Register

The Tuttle Bottoms Monster has fascinated generations of Saline County residents.

Former Harrisburg Police Chief Gary Crabtree said in 1999 prior to his retirement the department had received as many as 50 reports of some kind of beast lurking in the area northwest of Harrisburg in his 28 years at the department.

Most reports regarded a hairy creature. Some had the creature on two legs and some on four. Most described it as having a long, almost anteater-like snout.

Virgil Smith, founder of the animal research organization Shadows of the Shawnee, has opened his own investigation into the monster and thinks he has a clue as to what it may be.

Smith is hesitant to say much more without further evidence, but believes the creature was an actual animal released by the federal government and that another such creature was reported in Massac County.

“It stood on two legs, was hairy, close to swampy river areas. A couple had the animal walk up to them,” Smith said.

“It was more a description of a primate. The animal was not scared of humans.”

Smith said a former employee of the U.S. Department of Agriculture confided to him the department had launched an investigation into the Tuttle Bottoms Monster. The man also told him a story about the origin of the Massac County creature. Smith believes that origin could be the same as the fabled Tuttle Bottoms Monster and that it is a legitimate creature, not a monster out of myth.

Smith believes the animals were released and have likely long-since died.
Smith is hoping to receive information from anyone who has had an encounter with the monster.

“What I’m looking for is older people, farmers, who either had a first-hand encounter or had first-hand reports. I’m not looking for headless horseman-type reports,” Smith said.

By |2010-11-13T22:16:50-06:00November 13th, 2010|Media|Comments Off on Media Article – Saline County, Illinois – # 1

Belleville Public Library – Presentation

From the Belleville News-Democrat’s online site

Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

BIGFOOT PROGRAM: Stan Courtney, a member of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, will give a program on

“Bigfoot: Myth or Reality?”

at 2 p.m. Saturday at the

Belleville Public Library

121 E. Washington St., Belleville, Illinois

Attendance is free, but seating is limited. For information or to make a reservation, call 234-0441, ext. 19, or stop by the second floor reference desk.

By |2010-11-10T20:02:49-06:00November 10th, 2010|Media, Presentations|Comments Off on Belleville Public Library – Presentation

Illinois Bigfoot Media Reports

Illinois Bigfoot Media Reports

The following is an attempt to locate newspaper articles about bigfoot / sasquatch sighings in the state of Illinois. Historically names that have been applied to sasquatch include bigfoot, gorilla, hairy human, hairy man, monster, sasquatch, wildman, and wild man among others.

The following articles are probably only “the tip of the iceberg” of articles that make mention of upright hairy bipeds in Illinois. Research will be ongoing as I continue to read through microfilm of the hundreds of newspapers held by different agencies within the state. Among the many researchers who have found and published newspaper articles from Illinois are Bobbie Short, John Green, Loren Coleman, Matthew Moneymaker, Rodney Erps, Russell Bedwell and myself.

The earliest reference that I am able to find is in reference to A Roaming Madman of Centreville in St.Clair County and published in the The Saturday Herald – Decatur, Illinois dated Saturday, September 08, 1883.

I have found articles at:

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library – Springfield, Illinois

Morris Library – Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, Illinois

Jackson County Historical Society – Murphysboro, Illinois

St.Louis Public Library – St.Louis, Missouri

I will post one article each day until the complete series has appeared on this blog.

Alexander County

Huge, White, Hairy “Monster” Reported Sighted In CairoWednesday, July 26, 1972

Local Monster Might Need Good AttorneyThursday, July 27, 1972

Brown County

Wildman Lives Alone In CaveThursday, February 02, 1922

Champaign County

… or a hairy gorilla-type near St.JoeWednesday, October 17, 1973

Coles County

Wild Man CapturedTuesday, August 09, 1887

Cook County

Maywood’s What Is It - Wednesday, December 31, 1890

Sasquatch is real to some and myth to others – Saturday, December 10, 1977

De Witt County

Farmer City ‘Monster” Sparks Search, Debate – Friday, July 17, 1970

Du Page County

‘Corn’ – fed Monster In Suburb?Friday, August 30, 1974

Stalks Cornfields – Horrors! A MonsterFriday, August 30, 1974

Carol Stream’s Bigfoot: Is monster really out there?Sunday, October 06, 1974

Effingham County

Creatures Not NewWednesday, August 02, 1972

Fayette County

A Wild Man – Sunday, November 15, 1891

The Wild Man HuntFriday, December 04, 1891

Wild Man In Louden TownshipWednesday, July 25, 1894

Franklin County

A Wild ManSaturday, February 14, 1885

Fulton County

The Monster Story – Wednesday, October 23, 1968

Grundy County

Bigfoot seen in Seneca?Friday, July 21, 2005

Small Town A Bastion Of Bigfoot Belief – Monday, October 10, 2005

Bigfoot believers – what do they believe?Monday, October 10, 2005

‘It’s time for your close up, Mr. Du Pont monster’Saturday October 14th, 1006

Jackson County

Abominable snowmen in Southern Illinois? December 11th, 1969

Big, muddy ‘critter’ sighted at Big Muddy – Tuesday, June 26, 1973

More meanderings for the Murphysboro MonsterWednesday, June 27, 1973

Monster watching popularThursday, June 28, 1973

Bear wasn’t there, neither was monster – Monday, July 2, 1973

Is Big Muddy Monster Back? – Tuesday, July 8, 1975

Yeti-Like ‘Monster’ Gives Staid Town in Illinois a Fright Thursday, November 01, 1973

Big Muddy Monster makes the big (New York) time Thursday, November 08, 1973

Fabled Monster Reportedly SeenWednesday, July 09, 1975

Muddy monster reported Monday, June 21, 1976

Have you seen Muddy ‘monster’?Sunday, September 24, 1978

Reliving the tale of the Big Muddy Monster – Saturday, December 07, 1985

The Big Muddy MonsterApril 1987

He’s back: Big Muddy MonsterThursday, June 09, 1988

Big Muddy Monster sighted in Murphy – Thursday, June 09, 1988

Monster is drawing attention June 1988

Muddy Monster Returns – June 1988

The legend – June 1988

The Big Muddy Monster – Tracks, screams, smells and sightings since 1973 – Sunday, September 15, 1996

Big Muddy Monster A Favorite Local Legend – unknown date

It came from the Big Muddy – Friday, October 26, 2001

A Monster of an Idea to Boost Tourism – Thursday, October 30, 2003

Time for the Big Muddy Monster to come home – Thursday, November 6, 2003

Haunted Southern Illinois: Region full of the scary, bizarre, and freaky phenomena – Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Big Muddy Monster – Tracks, screams, smells and sightings since 1973 – Sunday, November 20, 2004

Chasing Monsters: Big Muddy Monster still has Murphysboro residents wondering – Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dreadful tales of Little Egypt Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Letters from all over sent after sighting – Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Renowned crytozoologist got his start at SIUC – Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Murphysboro’s Big Muddy Monster – Thursday, July 5, 2007

Jefferson County

Mass Hunt For Animal Fails To Solve Mystery Monday, March 30, 1942

Jo Daviess County

Illinois Village Now Engaged In Big Gorilla Hunt – Friday, July 26, 1929

Gorilla Scare Ends – Friday, July 26, 1929

Kane County

Aurora comes clean . . . it’s ‘Abominable’Monday, January 26, 1974

Lawrence County

Area man recalls encounter with infamous Bigfoot monsterThursday, June 30, 1988

Lee County

It speaks softly, carries a big footTuesday, July 06, 1976

Logan County

Wild Man Of The WoodsFriday, April 22, 1887

Macon County

Youths Report ‘Monster’ Near Edge Of City – Wednesday, September 22, 1965

Madison County

Armed Squads To Seek Killer Bear Tonight Near Gooseville – Tuesday, August 10, 1949

Police Told of Red ‘Creature’Thursday, June 07, 1973

Frolicking ‘ape’ startles 2 young campers near MoroMonday, March 15, 1976

Moro ‘ape” added to area’s list of animalistic spooks Thursday, March 18, 1976

Bears and Bigfoot and snakes, oh my! – Friday, February 22, 2008

Bigfoot announces his presence Big-time in little-known Illinois Gothic hotspot – Saturday, July 4, 2009

McLean County

‘Monster’ Sighted Near Kickapoo – Sunday, August 09, 1970

Hairy ‘Human’ Sighted At Kickapoo CreekTuesday, August 11, 1970

Spring resurrects ‘Kickapoo Monster’ Wednesday, March 30, 1977

Researchers look for Bigfoot; zoologist skeptical – Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bigfoot encounter in central Illinois? – Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Eyewitness believes he saw hairy Bigfoot-like creature – Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Morgan County

Stackmer’s Bend Wild ManThursday, June 12, 1890

Saline County

Shadows of the Shawnee investigates Tuttle Bottoms MonsterTuesday, November 02, 2010

Web site tells of five southeastern Illinois bigfoot encounters – Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sangamon County

Web site sorts Bigfoot stories to seek truth – Monday, May 15, 2000

Central Illinois man on watch for BigfootMay 29, 2010

St.Clair County

A Roaming Madman – Startling Experiences of An Illinois Lady with a Wild Man – As Naked as the Day He was BornSaturday, September 08, 1883

Tazewell County

Man Reports Seeing ‘Hairy Creature’ In Woods Near Cole Hollow Road – July 26, 1972

‘Hey, Bud, Did You See A Monster Go By…’ – July 27, 1972

Woman Picking Berries Says She saw Monster Near Rt. 98 Thursday – July 28, 1972

Did a hairy monster stalk Tazewell County, Illinois? – November 06, 2006

Union County

Reliving the tale of the Big Muddy Monster – 1985

White County

‘It’s Something That’s There” – Monster Lurks Along Wabash Monday, May 07, 1973

Wabash “monster” being sought – 12 May 1973

Williamson County

10-foot-tall ‘what’s it’ reported seenMonday, August 19, 1968

By |2010-01-10T09:21:57-06:00January 10th, 2010|Media|Comments Off on Illinois Bigfoot Media Reports

Media Article – Grundy County, Illinois – # 5

Monday, November 5, 2007

Searching for Bigfoot Researchers look for evidence of DuPont Monster

By Heidi Terry-Litchfield Herald Correspondent

Morris Herald News

He was in the area hunting snakes as part of a field guide activity, something this Marseilles resident has done across the United States, when he saw a large creature heading up a hill in the woods by the road.

The snake hunter, who wishes to remain anonymous, described the creature as tall – over 7 feet tall – with hair on it.

When he first saw it, he thought it might be a national guardsman in a gully suit, but after he yelled, “Hey,” the creature looked toward him and the snake hunter saw the profile of the creature’s eye and cheek and knew this was no human.

It was this eyewitness report that led a group of Bigfoot hunters from California to the Morris area to see if they could find any proof of the creature.

Brian Mazzola, Steve Kulls, Tommy Biscardi Jr., and Jimmy Snell stand next to their travel trailer, which is filled with gadgets and supplies, in the backyard of a Morris residence where they camped while searching locally for signs of a Bigfoot-type creature known as the “DuPont Monster “. (Herald Photo/ Heidi Terry Litchfield)

For the past week, a team of trained professionals has been scouring the area near the old DuPont chemical plant near Seneca in the hopes of finding proof of the DuPont Monster . Rumors about the monster have been told in the area for about 30 years, with several area residents reporting they have seen a large, hairy, Bigfoot-type creature in the woods.

Tommy Biscardi Jr., the director of field security for the live capture team from Searching for Bigfoot Inc., said they receive tips from all over the United States reporting Bigfoot sightings, but they don’t rush out to every one of them.

“We do a thorough background check on the area and situation to see if we can substantiate any of what is reported,” said Biscardi.

“If we feel the information makes sense, we will send a team to check out the area.” Biscardi wasn’t always a believer in Bigfoot, so he understands when people feel skeptical about what his team does.

“My father hunted Bigfoot for 30 years, and I never believed him until I had an encounter while out spending a day with him in Texas,” Biscardi said.

The field team is made up of individuals who all bring something to the field in the way of tracking and searching for Bigfoot. Biscardi was an Army Ranger; Jim Snell has been with the team for one year, coming from a background as a paranormal investigator; Steve Kulls has been with the team for a 1 1/2 year since leaving his profession as a private investigator; and cameraman Brian Mazzola was hired on to film the hunt in a sequel to the group’s first documentary, “Bigfoot Lives.”

The no-kill team uses devices to aid its search, including night-vision glasses, thermal imaging, cattle prods, binoculars, and wireless cameras. “I’ve traveled 25,000 miles with this team and I want to see the documentary to its end,” said Mazzola.

“But I will admit I’m still a bit skeptical. If anyone is going to find a Bigfoot, they will.”

Biscardi and his team had spent several nights in the area of the reported sightings, as well as doing recon missions during the day. They said they have found foot prints along the water that they can’t explain as being human.

“It’s cold, there is cut corn stalks and thick brush, and bare foot prints that can’t be explained,” said Biscardi. “While I haven’t seen this one, I can say for sure there is something here.”

Biscardi said the state of Illinois has a rich history with Bigfoot stories and that the Seneca area was not the first place they’ve examined. They went to Funk’s Grove in 2006 on another resident tip.

He said the creature has hair that can be several different colors. It walks upright. It is nocturnal, doing it’s moving and hunting at night, and, he believes, it wants nothing to do with humans.

Biscardi also believes that the creature lives on several different continents and is called several different names, including Sasquatch, Yeti and Almas, as well as many names given to such a creature by the different Native American tribes.

“Many places have stories of a large half-human, half-animal type creature,” said Biscardi. “We don’t think it is only in North America.”

The team was scheduled to leave the area over the weekend, having searched all of the area it was given permission to search. It is hoping companies and land owners in the old DuPont area will give permission for the team to return and search their land.

“Without being able to go into all the areas, it’s hard to do a thorough investigation,” said Biscardi. “We hope that property owners in that area will invite us back; we’d love to come. The people we’ve met have been very nice to us.”

For further information on the team, its findings, or photographs of the footprints found near Seneca, visit

By |2008-02-05T20:29:48-06:00February 5th, 2008|Media|Comments Off on Media Article – Grundy County, Illinois – # 5

Illinois Howl – California Postcard

News10 ABC Sacramento, California features a program called CALIFORNIA POSTCARD which “is a weekly look at the people, places and things across California that make it the unique state it is.”

Recently they featured the Bigfoot Discovery Museum and interviewed Michael Rugg. The museum is located in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Central California in South Felton in the San Lorenzo Valley.

Among several sounds heard in the background is the Illinois Howl

Click here to view video

By |2008-01-24T09:50:00-06:00January 24th, 2008|Media, Travels & Stories|Comments Off on Illinois Howl – California Postcard

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