On the 8th of December 2010 I was getting ready to do some sound recording about an hour south of my home. It was 11 p.m. As I approached my car I heard this really strange sound coming from due north of my house towards a large hillside. At first I thought it was going to be a roar but then it stopped.
The sound was very loud. When I played back my sounds I was disappointed to find out that my memory card was full and I had failed to record that unusual sound. However when reviewing my recording I found several sounds that I think matched what I heard that night. The sounds reminds me of deer snorts but the sounds I recorded were much louder and filled up the cove with its sound.
Click here to listen to sound clip: Snort 1
Waveform View
Spectral View
On this next clip where the sounds are spaced 60 seconds apart you can tell how far the animal has moved because the second sound is much louder and closer to the microphone.
Click here to listen to sound clip:Â Snort 2
Waveform View
Spectral View
For comparison listen to a White-tailed Deer snort  – Deer Sound Clip # 1
Waveform View
Spectral View
Maybe it's a Bigfoot with a cold? You recorded him sneeezing! Whatever it is, lungs sound big! You siad this is near your house, and the bridge runner is about an hour away? I think you siad you clocked it at about 35 mph at the bridge, How far is he away now! Could it be the same BigguY. neat!
One of the great mysteries is what the size of a territory would be. I am assuming similar to a cougar or a bobcat. I doubt very much if this is part of the same group as at the bridge.
yep… I agree… squatchy's got a cold… that's what it sounds like
The sound files you present are rather interesting. They have a lot of echo (reverb) in them. They have the quality of air rushing by something, but they have some sudden (although subtle) volume changes, possibly due to the reverb.
If I had to identify it just from how it sounds to my ears, I would say that somebody was whipping something around in a circle. The second time in the second clip, I would say they swung it around three times, and then let it slow to a stop. But it starts so suddenly, it just doesn't seem like something being whipped around.
If I were to reproduce it, I would use a whistle with three huffs, and tail it out with the last of my breath. It has a similar reverby nature. The only problem is being that loud with a low frequency whistle. To be loud, I have to blow hard, but to blow hard, I need to tighten my lips to reduce the opening, which raises the pitch of the whistle. I CAN do a low frequency whistle with some amplitude, but only for a fraction of a second (the first huff). I do not have enough lung capacity to do three huffs and a tail out. For the sized opening required to hit that frequency at maximum volume, I would need about four times the lung capacity to reproduce that sound. If I were to scale my body up to achieve 4x lung capacity, I would need to be just shy of 9 feet tall.