A year and a half ago I recorded a series of very pitched screams here in Central Illinois.

Please see:  Illinois Screamer – Pt. 1

In that post I posted Red Fox screams to illustrate the difference.

Woods behind my home.

This past week I have recorded what I think is similar screams. I also have a friend who lives about 1/2 mile from me. Just as it was getting dark he heard what he described as a very long loud high pitched scream. It was only about 75 yards from his back door and he did not investigate. He heard only one scream not a series. I emailed him my recording and he thinks it matches what I recorded.

Click here to listen to the 22nd December 2011 sound clip:  Scream 1

Waveform view and spectral view of Scream 1.


Click here to listen to the 24th December 2011 sound clip:  Scream 2

Waveform view and spectral view of Scream 2.

I am not sure what this is, I don’t believe it is a Red Fox but possibly it could be a Bobcat or a Cougar.