April 25th, 2009
This recording was captured about a minute half later and again was a high pitched scream and howl. No other activity was encounter that night.
April 25 2009 2nd set of sounds 12.31.22 am Scott Albaugh 2009
April 25th, 2009
This recording was captured on April 25th 2009 in rural area in Eastern Ohio around 12:30 am of a high pitched scream and then a howl and was the first of two exchanges between these unknown subjects.
June 13th, 2009
Two high pitched scream/howls recorded on June 13th 2009 @ 11:40 pm in a rural area of Eastern Ohio while we were staked out at a local residence That has a history of activity.
June 13th 2009 2340 Eastern Ohio
October 11, 2008
We were on a weekend expedition during October, 2008 in Eastern Ohio. Three of us had hiked west, away from the main group of researchers to a remote area entering into a valley we started our normal research activities. I was carrying my Olympus WS- 100, the only recorder taken on the hike. Not long after we started hearing what sounded like wood knocks coming from the woods ahead of us. One person in our small group did a vocalization with no return, so we walked on to the valley floor. Once we reached the bottom of the valley the activity increased.This clip was the first of many vocalizations I recorded that night.
Oct.11th 2008 weekend 1st Sounds Eastern Ohio
October 11, 2008
The activity continued as we pushed even further into the dark bottom land. Deciding we may have out grown our welcome and having trouble getting through the under brush we turned around and headed back out of the valley. All the way we had company, something was following us vocalizing, breaking brush and tossing a few rocks. Half way up the hill side on the main trail came the last set of vocalizations that I recorded that night. The next audio clip is of those vocalizations.
Oct 11th 2008 weekend #12 Sound segment 2008 Eastern Ohio
This audio clip was also recorded on the Oct 11th weekend expedition in Eastern Ohio and is another example of what we encountered in the dark woods that night.
Oct 11th 2008 Weekend Expedition Additional Audio2
June 14, 2008
I had placed my Olympus WS-100 in a area of recent activity and left it unattended. After reviewing the audio the next day I found these sounds near the end of the recording, I had apparently startled the subject while approaching the area to retrieve my recorder.
July 11, 2008
Researching a rural residence with activity in Eastern Ohio at approximately 9:30 pm I was attempting some multiple lite wood knocking. As a car passed the residence something may have answered the wood knocks. Listen carefully as the sound of the car passing starts to fade, you will hear “whoowup”. I was the first investigator there that night and this activity occurred before the rest of the group arrived.
July 11th 2008 possible reply to wood knocks as car passes
April 5, 2008
This audio clip was one of many captured on April 5th 2008 in rural Eastern Ohio. I recorded this clip with an Olympus WS-100 digital recorder using a Denon external omni-directional microphone.
All comments can be sent to Scott Albaugh at: